Sticking Together while Staying Apart: Resilience in the time of global pandemic

A presentation at Austin DevOps - September Virtual Meetup in September 2020 in Austin, TX, USA by fen aldrich

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Sticking Together while Staying Apart Resilience in the time of global pandemic Aaron Aldrich @CrayZeigh

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Million-to-one chances… crop up nine times out of ten. ̶Sir Terry Pratchet GNU

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Everythingʼs a little bit broken all of the time… but it keeps working anyway

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Resilience @CrayZeigh

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Resilience @CrayZeigh

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Resilience Rebound @CrayZeigh

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Resilience Rebound Robustness @CrayZeigh

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Resilience Graceful Extensibility Rebound Robustness @CrayZeigh

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Resilience Graceful Extensibility Rebound Robustness Sustained Adaptability @CrayZeigh

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Rebound Return to “normal” after a surprise or traumatic incident. Work done ahead of time. @CrayZeigh

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Robustness The ability to withstand and absorb well-modeled disturbances. Knownknowns @CrayZeigh

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Graceful Extensibility The ability to stretch with challenges to operational boundaries. Opposed to brittleness. @CrayZeigh

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Sustained Adaptability Recognizing and managing adaptive capabilities over long timescales @CrayZeigh

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Bone @CrayZeigh

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Bone • Continuously created and destroyed @CrayZeigh

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Bone • Continuously created and destroyed • Reconstruction directed by mechanical strain @CrayZeigh

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Bone • Continuously created and destroyed • Reconstruction directed by mechanical strain • Process directed by signals through layered networks at cell-level @CrayZeigh

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Rebound Graceful Extensibility Robustness @CrayZeigh

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Socio-Technical Systems @CrayZeigh

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Conway’s Law Designed systems represent an organizationʼs communication structure @CrayZeigh

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Blunt end Sharp end @CrayZeigh

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Blunt end Sharp end Closest to the work, practitioners @CrayZeigh

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Blunt end Removed from experience, upstream decision makers Sharp end Closest to the work, practitioners @CrayZeigh

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Sharp end Closest to the work, practitioners @CrayZeigh

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• Constantly building and destroying systems Sharp end Closest to the work, practitioners @CrayZeigh

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• Constantly building and destroying systems • Strong signaling Sharp end Closest to the work, practitioners @CrayZeigh

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• Constantly building and destroying systems • Strong signaling • Improve systems based on strain Sharp end Closest to the work, practitioners @CrayZeigh

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• Constantly building and destroying systems • Strong signaling • Improve systems based on strain Sharp end • Will do so naturally given ownership Closest to the work, practitioners @CrayZeigh

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Teams that do well dealing with impact [surprises/incidents] are those that have a strong common ground ̶J. Paul Reed (@jpaulreed), Failover Conf

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If we want to improve a teamʼs resilience, we must build a strong common ground ̶Me, Just now.

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Common Ground @CrayZeigh

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Common Ground • Basic Compact @CrayZeigh

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Common Ground • • Basic Compact Goal Alignment/ Commitment @CrayZeigh

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Common Ground • • • Basic Compact Goal Alignment/ Commitment Inter-predictability @CrayZeigh

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Common Ground • • • • Basic Compact Goal Alignment/ Commitment Inter-predictability Sustain & Repair @CrayZeigh

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Building Common Ground @CrayZeigh

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Building Common Ground • Blameless Postmortems @CrayZeigh

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Building Common Ground • • Blameless Postmortems Chaos Engineering @CrayZeigh

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Building Common Ground • • • Blameless Postmortems Chaos Engineering Game Days @CrayZeigh

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Building Common Ground • • • • Blameless Postmortems Chaos Engineering Game Days Modeling Vulnerability @CrayZeigh

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Slide 47 @CrayZeigh

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Resilience is about creating the conditions that maximize everyoneʼs potential ̶Rein Hendrichs, >Code Podcast, 174: Resilience

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What happens when governments fail? @CrayZeigh

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It’s left to us @CrayZeigh

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Community Building is Resilience Engineering ̶Me again, just now again.

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Strong Communities @CrayZeigh

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Strong Communities • Diverse @CrayZeigh

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Strong Communities • • Diverse High Trust & Safety @CrayZeigh

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Strong Communities • • • Diverse High Trust & Safety Sustain & Repair @CrayZeigh

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Strong Communities • • • • Diverse High Trust & Safety Sustain & Repair Inter-predictability @CrayZeigh

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Strong Communities • • • • • Diverse High Trust & Safety Sustain & Repair Inter-predictability Loosely Coupled, layered networks @CrayZeigh

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Protest Resilience @CrayZeigh

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Community Resilience @CrayZeigh

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There were drink coolers sorted and labeled: Water, Sparkling water, Juice, Gatorade. A generator-powered phone-charging station enabled people to stay longer while staying in communication with the outside world. A free library—with no late fees!—was established early on and stocked with the words of Black revolutionaries and poets. By July 1, the occupation was offering free COVID-19 testing, too. -(referencing NYC CHAZ)

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Slide 97 @CrayZeigh

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Slide 102 @CrayZeigh

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Enable potential and get out of the way @CrayZeigh

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Slides & Resources Aaron Aldrich @CrayZeigh m

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I love you Do good out there Weʼre all in this together @CrayZeigh

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Further Reading/Watching/Listening Four concepts for resilience and the implications for the future of resilience engineering - David Woods The Marvelous Resilience of Bone - Dr. Richard Cook, REdeploy 2019 Greater Than Code, 174: Resilience The Worst Year Ever, How to Save your Community When The Government Fails @CrayZeigh

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Further Reading/Watching/Listening Behind Human Error(2nd Edition) - Woods, Dekker, Cook, Johannessen, Carter The Woolworths Experiment The Field Guide to Understanding Human Error - Sydney Dekker Literally every video from REdeploy: On Borrowing From Yourself - Aaron Aldrich @CrayZeigh

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Further Reading/Watching/Listening @CrayZeigh

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Further Reading/Watching/Listening support your local journalists @CrayZeigh

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Further Reading/Watching/Listening support your local journalists support local political candidates @CrayZeigh

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Further Reading/Watching/Listening support your local journalists support local political candidates vote @CrayZeigh