By Our Powers Combined: Observability for Developers

A presentation at CodeMash 2020 in January 2020 in Sandusky, OH 44870, USA by fen aldrich

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! $ ” : : @CrayZeigh : :


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OBSERVABILITY @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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DEVOPS @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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DEVOPS @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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@CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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@CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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DEVOPS @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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DEVOPS > Wave 1: Ops learns code & automation @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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DEVOPS > Wave 1: Ops learns code & automation 1 > Wave 2: Dev owns code through production 1 @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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*Simon Wardley:

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SHARED LANGUAGE @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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SHARED TOOLS @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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SHARED SOURCE OF TRUTH @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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Isn’t it just Monitoring with better SEO? — You @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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YOU’RE NOT WRONG.. @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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@CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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@CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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MONITORING Tracking system health and watching for known failure conditions. Good for tracking known unknowns and generating failure alerts for operational issues. Debugging often requires further investigation of systems and failure state recreation. Finds horses. @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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@CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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@CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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THERE IS NO ROOT CAUSE @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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OBSERVABILITY A system is observable when you can ask arbitrary questions about it and receive meaningful answers without having to resort to writing new code or command line tools. It lets you discover unknown-unknowns and debug in production. Helps debug zebras. @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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Software is inherently opaque, we have to instrument it to output meaningful information @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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THE THREE PILLARS OF OBSERVABILITY 1. Logs 2. Metrics @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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THE THREE PILLARS OF OBSERVABILITY 1. Logs 2. Metrics 3. APM @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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THE THREE PILLARS OF OBSERVABILITY 1. Logs Events 2. Metrics 3. APM @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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THE THREE PILLARS OF OBSERVABILITY 1. Logs Events 2. Metrics 3. APM 4. Distributed Tracing @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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THE THREE PILLARS OF OBSERVABILITY 1. Logs Events 2. Metrics 3. APM & Distributed Tracing 4. Distributed Tracing @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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@CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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METRICS @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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@CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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EVENTS @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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CARDINALITY & YOU @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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EXISTING LOGS - - [06/Nov/2014:19:10:38 +0600] “GET /news/53f8d72920ba2744fe873ebc.html HTTP/1.1” 404 177 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version /6.0 Mobile/10A5376e Safari/8536.25 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +” - - [06/Nov/2014:19:11:24 +0600] “GET /?q=%E0%A6%AB%E0%A6%BE%E0%A7%9F%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%B0 HTTP/ 1.1” 200 4223 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +” - - [06/Nov/2014:19:12:14 +0600] “GET /?q=%E0%A6%A6%E0%A7%8B%E0%A7%9F%E0%A6%BE HTTP/1.1” 200 4356 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +” @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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STRUCTURED LOGGING { “@timestamp”: “2019-08-04T12:30:04.000Z”, … “container”: { “”: “48f5af6667f3457be0a2c7814caefe21ed3c94fb94bd6243096b3a61ea502b1d”, “version”: “version”, }, “”: “efdd0b5e69b0742fa5e5bad0771df4d1df2459d1” … “transaction”: “transaction_ID”, “user”: “importantPerson”, “account”: “0129”, “os”: “osx”, … “api_endpoint”: “endpoint”, … “response”: 400, … “message”: “Some informative thing, probably more human readable and friendly, but difficult to parse” } @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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APM & TRACING @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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@CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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@CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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@CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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SHARED LANGUAGE @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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SHARED LANGUAGE > Learning to speak Prod @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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SHARED LANGUAGE > Learning to speak Prod > Teaching Prod to speak Dev (Structured Logs; Traces) @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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SLI/SLO/SLA @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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SYSTEMS RELIABILITY ENGINEERING > SLI: Service Level Indicator @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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SYSTEMS RELIABILITY ENGINEERING > SLI: Service Level Indicator > SLO: Service level Objective @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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SYSTEMS RELIABILITY ENGINEERING > SLI: Service Level Indicator > SLO: Service level Objective > SLA: Service level Agreement @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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SYSTEMS RELIABILITY ENGINEERING > SLI: Service Level Indicator > SLO: Service level Objective > SLA: Service level Agreement @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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SHARED LANGUAGE > Learning to speak Prod > Teaching Prod to speak Dev (Structured Logs; Traces) @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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SHARED LANGUAGE > Learning to speak Prod > Teaching Prod to speak Dev (Structured Logs; Traces) > Speaking directly to business value & Customer Experience @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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SHARED TOOLS @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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SHARED TOOLS > Debugging in Prod @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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SHARED TOOLS > Debugging in Prod > Ops skills transferrable and replicable @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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SHARED TOOLS > Debugging in Prod > Ops skills transferrable and replicable > New knowledge and methods shareable @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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CONVERGED TOOLSETS @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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CONVERGED TOOLSETS > Single platform for all data means easy, improved debugging @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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CONVERGED TOOLSETS > Single platform for all data means easy, improved debugging > Any arbitrary business data can be added and correlated @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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CONVERGED TOOLSETS > Single platform for all data means easy, improved debugging > Any arbitrary business data can be added and correlated > SIEM & InfoSec @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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@CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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CONVERGED TOOLSETS Vendor Warning @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020 ⚠

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CONVERGED TOOLSETS > Single platform for all data means easy, improved debugging Vendor Warning @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020 ⚠

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CONVERGED TOOLSETS > Single platform for all data means easy, improved debugging > Any arbitrary business data can be added and correlated (ECS) Vendor Warning @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020 ⚠

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CONVERGED TOOLSETS > Single platform for all data means easy, improved debugging > Any arbitrary business data can be added and correlated (ECS) > SIEM & InfoSec Vendor Warning @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020 ⚠

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SHARED SOURCE OF TRUTH @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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SHARED SOURCE OF TRUTH > Real production data @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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SHARED SOURCE OF TRUTH > Real production data > Draw better lines from code to prod @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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SHARED SOURCE OF TRUTH > Real production data > Draw better lines from code to prod > Write better, production ready code. @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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Testing & Experimentation @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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TEST IN PRODUCTION @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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@CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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FEATURE FLAGS ! @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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config.json { “featureFlags”: { “newThing”: true, } } app.js import { featureFlags } from “./config.json” if (featureFlags.newThing) { // do the new thing! } else { // do the old thing! } @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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DON’T DEBATE EXPERIMENT @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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2 Speaking of Testing : 2 QA @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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Chaos Engineering is about refining our mental models @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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DEVOPS > Wave 1: Ops learns code & automation 1 > Wave 2: Dev owns code through production 1 @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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DEV OWNS CODE THROUGH PRODUCTION > Better, more production-ready code @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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DEV OWNS CODE THROUGH PRODUCTION > Better, more production-ready code > Real World experimentation @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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DEV OWNS CODE THROUGH PRODUCTION > Better, more production-ready code > Real World experimentation > Improved operational resiliency @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020

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THANKS! > Slides & References: > Trial: > Come say, “Hi!” at the Elastic booth (N6) > Check out Elastic APM @ 14:00 in Salon A! @CrayZeigh — #CodeMash2020