Enabling Community Driven Development

A presentation at OSCON in July 2019 in Portland, OR, USA by fen aldrich

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Enabling Community Driven Development #OSCON 2019 !1

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👋 Hi OSCON! • I’m Aaron Aldrich • Community Advocate @ Elastic • Find me: 🐦: @Crayzeigh 📧: aaron.aldrich@elastic.co 🌠: noti.st/crayzeigh !2 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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The Elastic Stack try it now: elastic.co APM App Search Site Search Beats Business Analytics Elasticsearch Logs Logstash Metrics Kibana check out the code: github.com/elastic !3 Security Enterprise Search @CrayZeigh

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!4 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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Community 5 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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!6 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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!7 @CrayZeigh

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!8 @CrayZeigh

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!9 @CrayZeigh

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!10 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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!11 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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Feedback is Foundational !12 @CrayZeigh

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!13 @CrayZeigh

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…Dogfooding is not enough… you need to observe, understand and study how real engineers outside your company use your tool… —John Allspaw, Monitorama PDX 2019 14

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Who is the community? 15 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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200,000+ members 16 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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!17 #OSCON @CrayZeigh @CrayZeigh

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Our Community Social Forums Github 31,500 Twitter 70,000 users 6,000 Reddit on discuss.elastic.co 23,000 Linkedin 90,000 Facebook 1500 Contributors IRL Attending roughly 1 conference every 2.5 days *All numbers approximate and out of date !18 @CrayZeigh

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It’s all community !19 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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Community is your most valuable asset —Me, and also lots of people 20

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The Elastic journey 21 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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⃗ !22 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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⃗ !23 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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⃗ !24 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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⃗ !25 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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… !26 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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LEGO your code 27 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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!28 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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Modules Modules Parsers Metricsets Filesets Packetbeat Metricbeat Heartbeat Auditbeat Winlogbeat Filebeat Functionbeat Libbeat !29 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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!30 @CrayZeigh

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!31 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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L’eggo your code 32 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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!33 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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!34 @CrayZeigh

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!35 @CrayZeigh

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!36 @CrayZeigh

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!37 @CrayZeigh

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!38 @CrayZeigh

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!39 @CrayZeigh

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Results from opening X-pack User Experience • Easier to use • Increased Awareness • Adoption & Stickiness 40 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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Results from opening X-pack User Experience Code visibility on Github • Easier to use • Open Source • Increased Awareness • Free • Adoption & Stickiness • Paid • All available for public view 41 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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Results from opening X-pack User Experience Code visibility on Github • Easier to use • Open Source • Increased Awareness • Free • Adoption & Stickiness • Paid • All available for public view 42 Community • Issues/Decisions now in public • Issues and PR can be created for all code • All Community can interact #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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Default Open 43 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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Let me sum up… 1 Build something together — invite your community to help shape their future 2 No gatekeeping — help outsiders join your community 3 LEGO code — building modular pieces helps make new changes 4 Make contribution easy — Lower barriers to sharing new ideas 5 Default to open — Share as much as you can, make decisions publicly, close feedback loops 44 #OSCON @CrayZeigh

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Thanks! Talk Feedback: qrco.de/bbBt2m 30-Day Cloud Trial: ela.st/aaron-aldrich-trial 45 Elastic Meetups: ela.st/meetups #OSCON @CrayZeigh